
I've always hated goodbyes...from being left for the day at preschool to moving cross country...for a dozen years I was a road warrior at work and just leaving home for a night was hard for the 1st decade. So saying goodbye up close & personal was more than I could stand leaving home today. I just stuffed the emotions down...I told the house and garden that I loved them and was taking their spirit with me, but I couldn't look back & walk around, nor could I bring myself to plan a little farewell anything. Except for my next door neighbor, I couldn't even give a goodbye hug to any of my friends...I was going to stop by my office & turn in my cabinet key and key fob, but that would have involved face to face goodbyes, so I will mail them back. I used to think it was silly when you'd hear or read about someone who avoided a farewell gesture because it gave closure, but I understand now. 

So I will say Namaste (the good in me honors the good in you)

Thank you Archangel Azrael for easing me through transitions. Thank you Archangel Michael for assisting us with technology to help make living apart feel so much closer. I express gratitude to Archangel Gabriel for aiding me with communication as I attempt to put my feelings and emotions into words for the highest good of all. And so it is.


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