
Showing posts from October, 2015

Surrender? Oh, now I get it!

Well, it's been about 6 months since I posted. When we 1st arrived at our new home, I challenged myself to attend some spiritual & family events to make some new like minded friends. Additionally, due to my love of cosmetics & the change of climate, I immersed myself in researching the best products to use. I chose a new physician & dove into a new health regime, taking up most of my spare time, of which I plan to write about soon.  My new routine had me walking on beaches daily & diving into the Medical Mediums recommendations. Mid-summer I found myself feeling unfulfilled. Letting my angels lead the way, I began seriously studying happiness. Dr. Robert Holden is one of my main happiness gurus. I marinated in his Hay House Shift Happens and Coaching Happiness courses! I was getting in touch with my Eternal Loveliness and my Bliss!  While learning about true happiness, I stumbled upon a book called Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender , by David R Hawkins at