
Showing posts from November, 2015

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Books: Finding Your Way in a Wild New World by Martha Beck Shift Into Freedom by Loch Kelly The Open Focus Brain by Les Fehmi and Jim Robbins Shift Happens by Robert Holden The Fear Cure by Lissa Rankin Loveability by Robert Holden Daring Greatly by Brene Brown Be Happy by Robert Holden Happier by Tal Ben Shahar Happiness Now by Robert Holden Flawd by Emily Anne Rigal The Untethered Soul by Michael A Singer The Rise of Superman by Steven Kotler Letting Go by David R Hawkins The Tappin Solution by Nick Ortner Angel Prayers by Kyle Gray I Can See Clearly Now by Dr. Wayne Dyer Life Loves You by Loise Hay and Robert Holden Wishes Fulfilled by Dr. Wayne Dyer Choose Yourself by James Altucher Dying to be Me by Anita Moorjani Love Never Dies by Dr. Jamie Turndorf The Priest and the Medium by Suzanne Giesemann The Surrender Experiment by Michael A Singer Proof of Heaven by Eben Alexander