Remember to Breathe

I have been away manifesting and taking care of family issues. Technology changes so fast. The cute app I used to create the fun pics I was posting to my blog was bought out by another company and I can't make the comic type strips anymore, but I'm hoping I can still create some of the scenes with the avatar of myself! Also, the app to manage my blog is no longer being sold and maintained for my device, so hopefully using this handy dandy mobile browser interface will work.

During my absence, I suffered blogging writer's block. Then I went through a phase where I was creating posts for my Facebook Pages and then the dreaded creativity block completely took me over. Today I created this little post with great hopes that inspiration will continue. I've been using Ho'oponopono and some other tools, I shall discuss, to reignite my creative spark.

So I'm back for now and it feels great!

I was asked what I do when I get monkey mind 🐒. Here is my answer:

I keep a little poem entitled, “Breathe”, with me: “once upon a time, there was a very busy girl with a tired yet hopeful soul. then, one day her soul asked her to stop…and just breathe. and so she did, and the girl and her soul lived happily ever after. the end” ~ Maggie lindley. I read that then, walk if possible, while doing heart focused breathing and thinking of all the things I’m grateful for. If the monkeys are still chatting, I will add in repeating over & over “Love You, Thank You”, still while heart centered breathing and sometimes some EFT tapping. If there are still some yappy ones about, I thank my Angels for helping to calm the remaining ones down, then I take my ear buds out and listen to music, a podcast, Hay House radio, or an audiobook.


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