
Showing posts from January, 2017

Testing a New Blog Publisher

Image The Blogo app is working on my iPad! Yippee 🎉

The River Otter Begins My Year!

TOO COOL: My 1st sign of 2017, a river otter greeting me when I looked out the window! After researching the meaning it's my totem of the year! It brings: Joy Transition Agility Initiation Energy Fun Curiosity Fearlessness Creativity Self-Security Dexterity Confidence Protection Libido Friendship Divine Feminine Playfulness Motivation As I was falling asleep last night, I was listening to the concept of being in between, the space between. The concept deals with neither here, nor there. It is the in-between. A good example in nature of in between in time/space includes twilight, which is the name we gave the pregnant cat who wandered up one cold night, left us her litter and ran away. She appeared at twilight. It is neither day, nor night. I mention this because when I looked up otter symbolism it spoke to liminal/in between essence. Why? Because where the water meets the earth is a liminal space. There is a tiny space between water and land that is neither wholly wet or entirely d