
Showing posts from August, 2017

Divine Sparks

There is a Divine spark in all of us that does not identify with color nor race nor gender nor religion nor age. It is Unconditional Love that has no fear. It is not only in all of us. It runs through us all and while most cannot see it with their physical eyes, it unites us all together. We can be blind and deaf to this spark, but once we come to know it something happens. We start to feel its glow, see its warmth. Sometimes it's so quiet and other times it's deafening. Yet, when we think we are coming to really be perceptive of it, we can end up feeling the most doubt. As soon as we start to think we know it the best is when we can suddenly start questioning whether it is real or if it's our imagination. It feeds us in a way that nothing else can. When we forget about that spark, we mistake the hunger to connect with it as a longing to be quenched by substances and forms that can turn into addictions or hoarding or constant longing to fill that void that feels like unhapp